Orphan Sunday

                                                  ORPHANS NO MORE 29 ADOPTED
Why do we even have an Orphan Sunday?We forget to celebrate it in the church.Are orphans not as important  as presidents day,or any other holidays?I just don't get why do people forget about those kids?They are God's choice and it should be ours too.Do you agree or not?Couple of our friends were very disappointed  about this whole thing.People just don't care about. Haven't we use to be orphans ones? God adopted us as His own.I am pretty sure that He remembered your day.Our purpose in life should be remembering,praying, caring, and loving them.Do we care or our minds are set on something else instead of those kids,or should we call them orphans?They are really not orphans,because God is their ultimate father.I hope that every churches will not forget to celebrate the Orphans Day,even our own church should remember it too.


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