Our cute dogs and their buddies.........

 This is our Christmas(2010) present from our parents to our kids.Our parents surprised us with two new puppies.Merry Christmas guys they said,"we are going to give you an early present".

This is our little runt Emma.

And of course this is her sister Sadie.

They were  here with our older sister's dog Hank.

Sadie was giving him a little welcome I guess?

Eating from a same bowl.

Emma was adorable little one.

Sadie wanted to play,but Emma was not very interested.

She was rather going and exploring our backyard.

She was taking a nap on Leah's lap.

Well Leah decided to dress her into warm clothes.

Emma was keeping an eye on us.

Very interesting toy.

Napping together.

After a bath time.....

Sadie was taking a bath and I'm sure she didn't liked it.

Playing tag.

Our four dogs Willie,Emma,Sadie and Katy. 

Hiding from her sister.

Emma was very sweet with Andrew.She was giving him a kiss.

Sadie got very big and older.

Snow time.

Enjoying ice and weather.
Got very tired and fell asleep in the crate.


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